July 2023
WUKF World Championships 2023 – Results
The WUKF held their annual World Championships from Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th July. The championships were held at Dundee Ice Arena, Dundee, Scotland. The TSKUK Squad was made up from members of Eastern Shotokan [...]
May 2023
TSKUK National Championships 2023 – Results
Sunday 21st May saw the TSKUK host their annual competition. The competition was held at UEA Sportspark, Norwich, Norfolk. Here is a breakdown of the results: Individual Kata 1a - Under 11 Years - 9th [...]
GB Open Karate Championships – May 2023 – Results
The ESKF held their biannual Championship the GB OPEN on Sunday 7th May 2023. The championships were held at the University of Birmingham. Here is a breakdown of the results: Children's Individual Kata - 8-9 [...]
April 2023
TSKUK International Course 23rd & 24th September 2023
The TSKUK are proud to host: Sensei Aidan Trimble 8th Dan Alongside Resident TSKUK Senior Instructors Sensei Alan Parrish 7th Dan & Sensei Jason Hitchings 6th Dan The course is open to all Junior and [...]
TSKUK Gain 26 Shodan, 1 Nidan & 1 Yondan Black Belts
TSKUK Gain 26 Shodan, 1 Nidan & 1 Yondan Black Belts On Sunday 23rd April 2023, ESKA & Westwood members attended the TSKUK Members Course and Black Belt Grading in Canvey Island, Essex. The grading [...]
TSKUK National Championships 23
We are pleased to announce the TSKUK National Championships will be held on Sunday 21st May 2023 at UEA Sportspark, University Drive, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ. Entrants will receive one official TSKUK grading stamp for entering the [...]